12 April, 2011

HAWMC - Day Twelve: Free Writing Based on an Image

Images that have helped me through a journey I never thought I would take.

My son was born via an emergency c-section, something I was not prepared for, nor a true participant in outside of being cut open.  The care providers I had hired failed me, and left me feeling like I was incomplete as a woman, like I would never be able to give birth vaginally and I ached.

My recovery was hard.  Infection, post partum depression.  I sunk further and further, and ended up sliding to the point I was no longer caring for me or DS  and it was something I couldn't handle watching.

I got back on my meds, pushed to lose the rest of the baby weight and got healthier.  Low and behold I found out I was pregnant.  And that is when I found ICAN.  The support, information and friendships I have gathered from this amazing group fo individuals helped support me through the pregnancy with my daughter.  The change of providers, to a VBAC friendly provider.  Knowing that other women had forged the path ahead of me, and had been successful made me even more determined to do what ever I could to make the best foot forward in attaining a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean, just a note).

Come August 10, 2010, I added a success.  My DD was born, vaginally, no pain medication outside of a 40 minute period where the paracervical block I had allowed me to focus my contractions.  I held her immediately.  I didn't get to hold my son for almost 4 hours. The difference in my experiences was night and day.

I stand by the idea that an informed patient makes informed decisions.  That doesn't just apply to childbirth, but across the board.  It is why I will stand with my ICAN sisters on Saturday, at a Cersarean Awareness Rally, to encourage other women to become informed. 

So much more I can say, but I will leave it at this.  ICAN and I did.  VBAC.

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