22 December, 2009

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs

I am planning to do something I have never done before.

After my appointment with my current OB, I am dead set on attempting a VBAC.  Part of me is horribly scared at the prospect.  My body (so I thought) failed me with the birth of my son.  What is labor truly like, will I want an epidural again?

I say current, as I am now on a search for a practice that will be truthful with me.  I was told I would have to schedule a repeat section, and the only reason being I have already had one. I was lambasted with all of the risks of a VBAC, but none of the risks or a repeat section.  Add to that I was told I had to stop breastfeeding my 14 month old son because my body couldn't handle both pregnancy and breastfeeding.

At that point, I am done with that OB and that practice.  Time for me to start researching and interviewing new providers.  I won't be led down a path to failure again.