19 September, 2011

Late night musings...

A lot of thoughts have been going through my mind lately. In no specific order:

9/11: The short story: I remember, I will never forget.

Longer story.  I remember where I was, who was around, the fact I watched with a dozen students standing around me... the fact my pup that night saved my life by giving me a purpose I badly needed in a time of mental turmoil in my life.  (It had been even before 9/11)

School: I have started back and am officially enjoying all three classes.  This week sees me doing my BLS (Basic Life Support) training.  Then the next 2 weeks see me working form the school library. Online classes are going well.  I lie the topics, and am enjoying what I am learning.

Kids: They are growing like weeds.  And it looks like I went from having one barely potty training to have two who are.  My almost 3 yo is finally taking an interest in potty training at home and not just school, and add my 13 month old daughter who pointed at the potty the other day.  So I set her on it and she went.  Did it again yesterday and today.  She pointed in the potty today and clapped.  I am in awe at how whip smart she is.  Both kids truly are.

Life with the hubby is decent.  Work is good for him and the fact my goal for working is getting closer helps.We are getting a lot more in the way of family time.  We are both getting our time out alone and together. It helps immensely.

I am trying to find myself and where I am as me and being the mother of two, rather than comparing myself to who I thought I was a decade ago.

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