05 August, 2011

Scattered writings, mama brain and life

I keep saying I am going to update this thing.  And then I "promise" to myself, I am going to update. 

I just need to get off my arse and do it.  How many mamas out there do this to themselves on a regular basis?  it usually isn't reference to a blog.  It is our hair, clothes, choice of activities or a book. 

What do I want to write about?

Mom to two, tandem nursing, nursing in general, being a student.  I am trying to reclaim myself in a way, as I got lost somewhere when motherhood took over.  Mother is not everything I am, but it colors everything I do.

I am making a birthday promis to myself.  I get 15 minutes everyday to write, no matter what.  It is my gift to myself, and I hope I can find the balanced me in there, someplace :D

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